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information technology and libraries

时间:2023-06-07 05:38 阅读数:4443人阅读

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苹果公司聘用Facebook前高管为下一任信息主管钛媒体App 11月10日消息,苹果公司聘用曾在2010-16年担任Facebook首席信息官(CIO)的老将Timothy Campos工为苹果下一任信息主管。Campos将接替离任的信息主管Mary Demby,负责Information Systems and Technology部门。苹果副总裁David Smoley也将离职。




老朋友,新合作,中国与东盟共享数字发展红利本文转自【中国日报网】;随着大数据、云计算、人工智能、区块链等前沿技术的加速发展,以新一代ICT(Information and Communication Technology)技术为基础的数字技术已经成为引领新一轮科技革命的基石,成为世界各国经济增长、产业转型和社会发展的“重要变量”。如何把数字技...



China Guangzhou Launches $21.9 Billion FOF Focusing on High Techand new-generation information technology. A large number of industrial projects will be introduced to Guangzhou to boost its economic develop... of the Guangzhou Innovation Investment FOF will be run in a limited liability partnership to invest in innovation-driven and technology-driven projec...


Tencent and China Unicom Form Joint Venture for CDN and Edge ...Telecom operator China Unicom announced Thursday on its official WeChat account that Yunzhou Times Technology Co., Ltd (Yunzhou Times), co-funded by itself and tech giant Tencent, was established on April 26 in Beijing.Business registration information shows that the registered capit...


