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snap shut什么意思

时间:2023-06-07 03:15 阅读数:8169人阅读

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\ _ / leaves snap shut.的翻译是:关闭管理单元的叶子。中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语aWe look forward to,our future.BO.我们盼望,我们的未来。BO.[translate] aI hateyouwithallofme Ihateyouwithallofme[translate] aleaves snap shut .留下是关闭的突然折断。snap cover 是什么意思_芝士回答2 He snapped the notebook shut 他啪的一声合上了笔记本。3 She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single 百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。

snap shut_权威例句Injecting a fresh idea before the mind has a chance to snap shut is the whole purpose of the steps above. FORBES:Revitalizing The Art Of Political Persuasion To transmit signals,snap cover 是什么意思He snapped the notebook shut 他啪的一声合上了笔记本。3 She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single 百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。

snap_snap是什么意思_英汉词典在线翻译-英孚在线翻译She snapped the bag shut . 她迅速把袋子合上。snap 3(speak impatiently)UK/snæp/US/snæp/ 厉声说话verb(-pp-)(snapping,snapped) to speak or say sth in an impatient,usually angry,snap这个单词你会用吗?和我们生活息息相关,真的太实用了!3.He snapped the notebook shut . 他啪的一声合上笔记本。4.He snapped to attention and saluted. 6.He snapped his fingers. 7."Of course I don't know her,"Roger snapped. 8.Let me take a。

snap是什么意思_snap的用法_翻译_读音_海词词典The lock snapped shut make a sharp sound;his fingers snapped move with a snapping sound;bullets snapped past us to grasp hastily or eagerly;Before I could stop him the dog snap-on是什么意思?芝士回答厉声的斥责[C]The box shut with a snap .箱子啪地一声关上了。4.天气突变(尤指转冷)[C]We are having a cold snap .我们这儿正遇上寒潮。5.快照[C]He showed me his holiday snaps.他给我看他。

snap|音标|词组|中文翻译_字博缘文学网The lid shut with a snap .盖子啪嗒一声合上了. The oar broke with a snap .桨喀吧一声断了.2[C]short spell or period of(usu cold)weather 一阵(通常指寒冷的)天气There was a cold snap snapped是什么意思及用法猛地咬住(snap 的过去式和过去分词)咔嚓一声折断;厉声地说;拍照;版六权归芝社士回答网站快或原作具习者所有[例句]He snapped the notebook shut 他啪的一声合上了笔记本。为同之没员总基路共。

