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excessive felling

时间:2023-07-03 15:45 阅读数:6719人阅读

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>ω< 我们要保护好森林,不能过度地砍伐树木。我们要节约用水,不能污染水之源。not excessive felling of trees.We need to conserve water,no We must protect the forests,not excessive felling of trees.We must save water,not contaminated water source.Not excessive emissions,develop new energy sources.Protect endangered (EN)Excessive tree felling in Mozambique threatens commercial forestry – Macauhub(EN)Excessive tree felling in Mozambique threatens commercial forestry 2010年11月04日对不起,此内容只适用于美式英文。Related Stories 1 莫桑比克木材出口将采新模式2017年04月10日2。

excessive deforestation造句_用excessive deforestation造句大全1、Putting forward overall evaluation to the results of unlawful felling tree and excessive deforestation. 2、In this part,the conviction and the measure penalty of unlawful excessive effect_权威例句Nevertheless,the recency effect from excessive losses in 2008,as well as the challenging political climate,have investors feeling increasingly despondent. FORBES:Investor Illusions。

【excessive_deforestation】什么意思_英语excessive_deforestation的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_在线翻译_有道词典解释:滥砍滥伐保护森林的小学英语十句小短文并翻译_芝士回答The over exploitation of the population caused by the expansion of nature,The excessive felling of trees over cultivated land the main reason for frequent sandstorm.Just a few 。

ゃōゃ 温室效应的原因是人类过度的砍伐树木的翻译是:Causes of the greenhouse effect is the human excessive felling of trees 中文翻译英文Causes of the greenhouse effect is the human excessive felling of trees 翻译结果4 复制译文编辑译文朗读译文Greenhouse effect is the reason why the human over-cutting of 过分看中的翻译是:Excessive eye 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语ame too,but I understand people's feeling,and fully support any anti-japeness ocuupying diaoyu island 我,但我了解人的感觉和充分地支持其中任一反ocuupying钓鱼海岛的japeness。

excessive deforestation_书面语例句In this part,the conviction and the measure penalty of unlawful felling tree and excessive deforestation are studied. 对盗伐滥伐森林、林木的定罪量刑问题进行了研究。youdao 心理问题容易产生这样的的翻译是:中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语a温室效应的原因是人类过度的砍伐树木The greenhouse effect reason is humanity's excessive felling trees[translate] a事实上,我是你的。正在翻译,请等待.[translate] a我看过很多父母和。



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