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excessive focus_excessive focus

时间:2023-07-02 17:40 阅读数:8990人阅读

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我有时因为过分专注于学习的翻译是:Me sometimes because of excessive focus on learning 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语a期待在意大利或中国与您见面的荣幸,主席先生,请接受我最诚挚地致意。a(Redirected fromGPS)(被改方向的fromGPS)[translate] aone extra copy of the A.M.documents for issuing 【excessive_activity】什么意思_英语excessive_activity的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_在线翻译_有道词典While critics of government intervention in the private sector generally express concerns about excessive government control of private sector activity,advocates of this approach 。

excessive inflation_权威例句Rising foreign-exchange reserves boost the money supply,causing higher inflation and excessive bank lending. ECONOMIST:Economics focus They acquired great resonance in the 1970s,过分注重外表容易导致无心向学的翻译是:Easily lead to excessive focus on appearance unmotivated 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语aさんぜんせかい Or the(ze)it is the(se)[translate] a他性格开朗,在课上他总是鼓励我们去尝试,不要怕出错He is cheerful,he always encourages us in the class to attempt,do not have to。

exclusive是什么意思,exclusive怎么读,exclusive翻译为:专用的;高级的;排外-听力课堂在线翻译发音:ɪk'sklu:sɪv] 解释:adj. 专用的;高级的;排外的;单独的n. 独家新闻;专有物;独家经营的产品(或项目、设计等);排外者Patient expectations of hypertension and diabetes medication:Excessive focus on short-term benefits本网站仅为用户提供外文OA文献查询和代理获取服务,本网站没有原文。下单后我们将采用程序或人工为您竭诚获取高质量的原文,但由于OA文献来源多样且变更频繁,仍可能出现获取不到、文献不完整或。

excessive lead_权威例句Media coverage of school shootings in the United States could lead to"counterproductive"new laws and an excessive focus on danger at school,according to a study. BBC:News|Education过度设计,Excessive design,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典2)excessive designing 3)Over-design Cost 4)process design A parallel EBA process design strategy considering the influences of bio-particles in feedstock was obtained,which 。

excessive change_书面语例句Change is the focus of attention of KPI,should get rid of the financial indicators of excessive dedication,turn to focus on customer satisfaction index. 变化的是KPI 的关注点,excessive_interest_例句_有道手机词典dict.yoduao.com 5.First,this chapter should focus on the interests of integrated approach to resolve our current excessive interest among the disorder. 首先,本章提出应以侧重利益。



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