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inspirational speeches confront the emotions

时间:2023-07-02 09:46 阅读数:3677人阅读

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inspirational speeches confront the emotions

speeches_例句_有道手机词典dict.yoduao.com 7.Inspirational speeches confront the emotions. 励志演讲直面情感。dict.yoduao.com 8.They learn the president's speeches line by line. 他们一句一句地学习这位总统confront造句_用confront造句大全1、confront with a witness 2、to confront danger 3、To confront boldly. 4、You must confront your problems. 5、Now they confront big choices. 6、To confront the enemy personally 7。

2013年英语专业四级部分题目-今日头条Inspirational speeches confront the emotions.They focus on topics and matters that are close to people’s hearts.During wars,generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops 2021年2021年2021年英语专业四级阅读理解真题及答案-金锄头文库persuasive words from activists encouraged them to commit themselves to firmer action.Inspirational speeches confront the emotions.They focus on topics and matters that are close 。

TEXT_网考网(Netkao.com)pErsuAsivE worDs From ACtivists EnCourAgED thEm to Commit thEmsElvEs to FirmEr ACtion.inspirAtionAl spEEChEs ConFront thE Emotions.thEy FoCus on topiCs AnD mAttErs thAt ArE ClosE 2013年英语专业四级阅读理解真题及答案_百度文库Inspirational speeches confront the emotions.They focus on topics and matters that are close to people''s hearts.During wars,generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops 。

+ω+ The._芝士回答Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view.When the leaders met in Copenhagen in December 2009,persuasive words from activists encouraged them to section._芝士回答Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view.When the leaders met in Copenhagen in December 2009,persuasive words from activists encouraged them to 。

╯△╰ emotions-双语例句Inspirational speeches confront the emotions. 励志演讲直面情感。youdao How do we cultivate positive emotions?我们该如何培养积极的情感呢?youdao It tended to intensify TEXT A The art of pu-易哈佛考试题库persuasive words from activists encouraged them to commit themselves to firmer action.Inspirational speeches confront the emotions.They focus on topics and matters that are close 。

