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时间:2023-05-26 05:27 阅读数:6650人阅读

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Lanterns,rice balls made for Lantern Festival[1]A man walks in front of a giant red lantern set up to celebrate Lantern Festival at the city centre of Xining,Qinghai Province February 5,2009.The Lantern Festival is the last day Jack O'Lanterns in Beijing-英语点津A child plays with a Jack-o'-lantern in front of the gate of the New World Department Store on Dawang Road,in Beijing,October 27,2009.As Halloween approaches,sales of the products 。

“元老”英文怎么说它的英文说法很简单,就是old head。Old head refers to one who ranks in age and experience,especially when in social groups,e.g.a tenured member of an office. Old head指年龄和经历都年味十足的九十九个春节英文词汇8.元宵节:the Lantern Festival 9.正月:the first month of the lunar year 10.二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day 传统习俗11.喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge 12.扫尘:sweep the dust 13.。

+^+ “淡定”用英语怎么说?Chinadaily.com.cn海莉高考考出了中等水平,当父母为她能进大学感到高兴时,海莉却说不想上大学。卡梅隆顶替成为高中音乐总监,虽然卡梅隆踌躇满志,不过公演时孩子们却洋相百出。杰的弟弟唐尼来看望哥哥,歌洛May Day Golden Week may fade away-英语点津It is followed by the Lunar New Year's Eve(80,000 votes),the Pure Brightness Festival,or Tomb Sweeping Day,(63,000),the Lantern Festival(56,000),and the Dragon Boat Festival(53,000。

你家年货办了吗?“办年货”用英语怎么说?Lantern 灯笼Food 食物Candy 糖果Fruits 水果Dessert 甜品Sunflower seeds 瓜子Tea 茶Chinese spirits 白酒Beer 啤酒Juice 果汁Others 其他Firecracker 炮竹Cards 纸牌Red 你家年货办了吗?“办年货”用英语怎么说?Lantern 灯笼Food 食物Candy 糖果Fruits 水果Dessert 甜品Sunflower seeds 瓜子Tea 茶Chinese spirits 白酒Beer 啤酒Juice 果汁Others 其他Firecracker 炮竹Cards 纸牌Red 。

鸡年大吉!送你一份春节专用英语表达大全,拜年英语学起来!中青在线the Lantern Festival 正月the first month of the lunar year 二月二Dragon Heads-raising Day 本命年the animal year in which one was born 生肖、属相Chinese zodiac 年Nian;Year 鸡年大吉!送你一份春节专用英语表达大全,拜年英语学起来!中青在线the Lantern Festival 正月the first month of the lunar year 二月二Dragon Heads-raising Day 本命年the animal year in which one was born 生肖、属相Chinese zodiac 年Nian;Year 。

