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excessive flow_excessive flow

时间:2023-07-01 04:59 阅读数:8599人阅读

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excessive flow

o(╯□╰)o EXCESSIVE FLOW VALVE FOR EXTERNAL LPI SYSTEM目的:提供一种用于外部LPI(液体石油喷射)系统的燃料供应阀,以防止燃料超压,因此在吸入油箱的燃料时可以清除异物。构成:用于外部LPI系统的供油阀包括进气单元和压力控制单元。EXTRACTION VALVE PROVIDED WITH EXCESSIVE FLOW PREVENTING VALVEPURPOSE:To prevent leakage during valve closing,by disposing a slidable valve element adapted to stop its valve closing operation at a predetermined flow rate,in the lower section 。

BALL COCK PROVIDED WITH EXCESSIVE FLOW PREVENTING MECHANISMPURPOSE:To open and close a valve by a small manipulating torque,by constituting a ball shaft composed of a stem and a ball which are integrally incorporated with each other,and byPlastic pipes and/or fittings with excessive flow safety valvesAn excessive flow safety valve for plastic pipes or fittings is disclosed wherein the valve includes a hollow tubular body formed of a non-magnetic material and having an inlet and。

DEVICE FOR PREVENTING EXCESSIVE FLOW OF GASEOUS FUEL THROUGH AN INJECTION NOZZLE OF A DIESEL ENGINE.A device for preventing abnormal flow of gas fuel from a gas fuel injector of a diesel engine.The device has a pipe for supplying a pressurized gas fuel,a fuel injector including aSUBSIDIARY PASSAGE OPENING AND CLOSING MECHANISM FOR EXCESSIVE FLOW PREVENTING APPARATUSPURPOSE:To enable to close an excessive flow preventing valve adapted for stopping gas automatically when excessive flow of gas is detected,in a reliable manner regardless of the 。

ゃōゃ OPERATION INSPECTION SYSTEM OF EXCESSIVE FLOW RATE BLOCKING VALVE AND OPERATION INSPECTING METHOD,AND DRAINING DEVICE USED FOR THEPPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED:To enable operation inspection of an excessive flow rate blocking valve,regardless of the pressure values at the upstream of excessive flow rate blocking 该词条未找到_海词词典Excessive flow of milk from the breasts during lactation.乳汁过多在哺乳期从乳房流出过多的乳汁The material was change to liquid material after pass through a chute and then flow 。

BALL VALVE PROVIDED WITH EXCESSIVE FLOW PREVENTING MECHANISMPURPOSE:To prevent slight leakage during closing operation of a valve,by providing an urging means for closing a valve element at a predetermined flow rate,in a valve chamber Safety device with respect to the breaking of the pipe in the event of excessive flow rate of机译:关于在流量过大时管道破裂的安全装置申请/专利权人ECKERLE OTTO;FIRMA OTTO ECKERLE APPARATE-UND MASCHINENBAU MALSCH;发明设计人。



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