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snap shut_snap shut

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snap shut

'snap shut'的翻译、snap shut'的解释、双语例句、在线造句-句酷中英双语例句句酷搜索引擎为英语学习者提供免费在线词典,在线翻译,例句搜索(study nativesnap+shut是什么意思-snap+shut翻译_snap+shut的发音、翻译、参考例句-可可查词1.The magnitude of surge pressure produced upon shut-in after the well kicks directly decides which shut-in method to be used,soft shut-in,half soft shut-in,or hard shut-in. 溢流关。

snap cover 是什么意思He snapped the notebook shut 他啪的一声合上了笔记本。3 She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single 百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。2021-04-11 04:snap shut是什么意思?芝士回答snap shot n.急射;乱射The PMI is a gauge designed to provide a snap shot of the overall conditions in the manufacturing economy. PMI是用来对制造业经济总体状况提供快速指示而设计出。

?﹏? snap shut_权威例句解释:snapshot n. 快照,快相;急射,速射;简单印象| vt snap out 快速脱离;流出snap cover 是什么意思_芝士回答2 He snapped the notebook shut 他啪的一声合上了笔记本。3 She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single 百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。

该词条未找到_海词词典速寄三捆中级样品。The jaws snap shut to take a sample.铁爪急速关闭以抓取样品。The sample in this state is stable indefinitely.样品在这种状态下是无限稳定的。snap|音标|词组|中文翻译_字博缘文学网The lid shut with a snap.盖子啪嗒一声合上了. The oar broke with a snap.桨喀吧一声断了.2[C]short spell or period of(usu cold)weather 一阵(通常指寒冷的)天气There was a cold snap 。

snap shut_书面语例句the personal-savings rate dipped to zero in 2005,the shock of the economic crisis last year prompted people to snap shut their wallets. 在2005年个人储蓄率降至零之后,去年经济snap是什么意思_snap的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典The lid snapped shut. 盖子啪地合上了。来自牛津词典6. His eyes snapped open. 他两眼唰地睁开了。来自牛津词典7. He snapped to attention and saluted. 他啪一下立正敬礼。来自牛津词典8。



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